Hot Flash Remedy on the table

Posted by Pithchaya | 4:15 AM | | 0 comments »

The key to reduce hot flashes, only the food on the table, or better, the food we are not. The heat can give you the urge to splurge. Food is considered one of the easiest distractions where women can hot flashes. You may think it relaxing to eat the cake in the fridge or go on an exotic Thai restaurant, but who can not move are the best.

The food takes more hits than you know. Once a woman he meets during peri-menopause, extraEfforts in relation to food and eating are elected observed. This does not mean eating less. It means knowing what to do with moderation.

Many different foods can alter the heating mechanism of our body. One of these spices. Spices heat in our body, because the rental adjustment mechanism of the temperature in our system. This, in turn, start flushing. Although this effect is clearly visible, even during normal situations tend some of these as an insult. Trigger

Many, both men and women consider as candy temptation to blame, but the blame can be more than what appears to be for women in menopause. Hot flashes are triggered by candy because the candy to increase your metabolism. Sugar is easily burned for energy and fast metabolism means more heat. If you have already identified a cake and ice cream for comfort food, think again. It will only cause more fear of hot flashes attacks.

The food is not the only thing you should. Careful drinks also contribute to the symptoms immediately. Refreshing cold cappuccino are very attractive on hot afternoons, but remember, caffeine is a stimulant. The reason is that it reduces your day, because it increases blood pressure and increases heart rate. You wake up, it also increases body heat, the most ideal circumstance for a heat wave.

Estrogen beer works wonders in clearing the dreaded hot flashes. There is asudden increase of estrogen in alcohol consumption. The downside is followed by the rapid rise of a fall over dead. When estrogen decreases rapidly, the heat is turned on quickly. Many describe the experience as one of its worst hot flashes, you should try to pay special attention to avoid this fleet will be placed.

Although complete avoidance of the variety of food referred to above does not guarantee complete cure for hot flashes, there is no reason why you choose to be a worsening of the condition. These smallSacrifice, time is of great benefit in the long term.