Amok paste: Lemon grass, turmeric, garlic muss altogether put shallot and finger root. Heat the coconut milk in a pan and put amok paste, sugar, fish sauce fry until brown just put chicken and mushroom, onion, ngor leave, 1 ladler of coconut milk, ½ spoon of chicken powder, 1 spoon of fish sauce. Make a date to learn the secrets of Khmer cooking at Le Tigre de Papier's cooking school in Angkor Siem-Reap. After picking your favourite dish from the menu, join one of the daily classes and you will be taught how to prepare the dish for yourself by one of our Khmer chefs. Summery specialities include Amok degustation, a medley of freshwater Mekong shrimp, Tonle Sap fish, coconut and locally produced vegetables. Classes start at 10am every day so either come in and enquire or Contact Us to book yourself a place. Program: Duration 3h + meal Start: 10am and 1pm in English and 5pm in English and French VISIT OF THE MARKET (1 HOUR) You will discover Psa Chas market with our Chef and you will buy vegetables, fruits and spices to prepare your lunch. PREPARATION (2 Hours) - 1 starter, 1 main course, 1 dessert You will prepare your meal using our own recipes. Learning how to cut vegetables and how to make nice presentation of the dishes. ENJOY !